Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep your balance,
you must keep moving.

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In the course of a career break, Jürg Kunz intuitively chose to explore the Amazon region. This first trip already planted a seed for the development of a project in Brazil. The first milestone was laid in Zurich on January 27, 2011: The founding of a non-profit organization “Terra do Caju” with seven founding members.

The basic idea for the project is to contribute something meaningful to the current global environmental challenges. Over the years the team has grown and the expertise of various people is at our disposal. Frequently volunteers complement the team and contribute with interesting ideas and experiences from all over the world. At the moment the project is in the transition phase from the construction of the infrastructure to the establishment and launch of the plantations.
Dry season means construction time. From May to December 6-8 workers from the neighboring village work full time on the construction of the facilities.

Be the change
you want to see
in the world

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Jürg Kunz
TdC Initiator, electrical mechanic and merchant

Raiele Gama Macedo

Alain Büchler
Partner, Communication and technology, automation technician and instructor

Ney Vasconcelos Pessoa
Partner, Teacher

Andi Gantenbein
Permaculture planner, landscape architect and environmental engineer, ETH Zurich

Swen Sutter
Finances, Office Switzerland, IT business engineer

Christoph Bocchetti
Design, Website, Graphic Designer, ZHdK