With our project, we investigate how successful and productive different combinations of cultivated and native plants are. For this purpose, we plant predefined areas according to the system of multi-story agroforestry cultivation and the effort and yield is continuously recorded. Whether a combination is economically viable is assessed at the end of a cycle on the basis of the operations accounting.

In the tropical climate, the whole year is harvesting season. Raiele at the Cupuaçu harvest.

The jungle is one big permaculture. Here a mature Acai trunk in the middle of the forest.

With the jungle as a model, we work with mixed crops. 1 – Ground crop, 2 – Soursop, 3 – Papaya, 4 – Avocado, 5 – Mango

In our plant nursery we grow seedlings and trees which are later planted in the field.

Another cycle is closed with the farming of our chicken. Chicken dung, eggs and poultry are important elements in our permaculture.